Concierge Care

How it works

Immediately after you sustain an injury or decide you are ready to make a change in your life, you can give us a call and schedule your evaluation. We will come to you, evaluate you, and create a customized treatment plan to help you reach your goals. You pay a flat rate for evaluations and follow-up treatments at the time of each visit. You will receive a receipt to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement as your health insurance allows.

Benefits of Concierge Care


You will no longer have to factor in driving time to any appointment. You can have your treatment during your lunch break or while your kids are relaxed at home. There is no need to arrange for childcare or stress about having your children in the office with you.

Continuity of Care:

Every evaluation and treatment is performed by the same licensed professional. We do not have aides or


Direct Access:

We are your first call and only call. You do not need a referral from another doctor to see us. This drastically cuts down on the amount of time you have to wait to start feeling better.

Immediate Evaluations:

We will get you in immediately. We are unlike outpatient clinics because we do not have to arrange your care with your insurance before you can begin. We do not have to wait for you to get a referral to be evaluated.


You obtain the ability to receive care when you need it, without limitations or restrictions. You are able to have any treatment that will be beneficial to you. There is no cap or restrictions on your visits dictating what you need, putting you in control of your treatments.